Hon. Lokeris receiving a copy of the ICGLR certificate to be issued to designated minerals

The republic of Uganda through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development launched the issuance of the ICGLR Certificate for designated minerals in Uganda. These minerals include: Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum and Gold and these are always abbreviated as the 3TGs.

The certificate was launched by Hon. Peter Lokeris at the event held on the 29th November 2023 at Speke Resort Munyonyo. In attendance was the Permament Secretary Ms. Irene Buteebe.

ICGLR certificate was named after the International Conference for Greatlakes Region held in December 2010, Lusaka Zambia. This certificate is one of the six (6) tools of the Regional Initiative to fight against the Illegal exploitation of Natural Resources (RINR) in the Great Lakes Region that was signed into force by the heads of ICGLR member states. The other 5 tools of RINR include;

  • Harmonization of National Laws and domestication of the Protocol
  • Regional Mineral Database
  • Formalization of Artisanal Mining Sector
  • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).
  • Whistle Blowing Mechanism.

So far the certificate is applicable in DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania. Making Uganda the 5th member state now. Anyone with rights of exploitation of the 3TGs shall apply for this certificate which is issued after completion of all the validation steps.

ICGLR launch held on the 29th Nov. 2023

Details of these steps and requirements can be accessed in the document below.https://dgsm.go.ug/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Regional-Certification.pdf